The Little Prince
by Antoine de Sainte-Exupéry
translated by Claire Marie Mannle, adapted by Holly Griffith
The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre, Tucson AZ
Arizona Daily Star Mac Award Nominations
Best Director
Best Drama
Photos by Tim Fuller
Music Director & Assistant Director: Felíz Torralba
Scenic Design: Bryan Rafael Falcón
Light Design: Raulie Martinez
Costume Design: Karin Beatty
Props Design: Heidi Peden
Stage Manager & Revolve Engineer: Tiffer Hill
Photographer: Tim Fuller
Cast: Ryuto Adamson, Julia Balestracci, Kathleen Cannon, Gabriella de Brequet, Nicole Delprete, Lance Guzman, Cole Potwardowski, Gretchen Wirges
Kathleen Cannon as The Aviator